
Förderung von frühkindlicher Bildung in Okalongo - Onadjamba

  • Einsatzort: Okalongo - Onadjamba, Namibia
  • Sprache(n): Englisch
  • Startmonat: ab August | 12 Monate
  • Platz-Nr.: 222492

Die Aufnahmeorganisation vor Ort

MSC Sisters Okalongo

Deine Aufgabe

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are teaching pre- primary and kindregarden in Okalongo RC. Mission, Namibia. These children are from different cultures, and they are from rural or remote areas, in the sorrounding Okalongo. It envolves a lot of family contact. The school offers learners from more rural and remote parts of Namibia the opportunity to live and learn in a family-like context during school time. The learners are between 4-6 years old. Some children are from our neibouring country Angola they come attand school at Okalongo.

Working with kindergarden school children from different Namibian cultures. The kindergarden teacher, play a pivotal role in the early educational development of children, fostering a love for learning and setting the foundation for future academic success. They create and deliver engaging lesson plans tailored to meet the developmental needs of little children, while also nurturing their social and emotional growth. Sometimes kindergartners need extra help beyond classroom instruction and practice. The teacher needs to discern which students need one-on-one help in each lesson and schedule time for them accordingly.

Anforderungen an dich

Openness and respect for other cultures and the willingness to engage with them - Mental and physical resilience - Willingness to live a simple lifestyle - Good interaction with people, especially children and youth people. Passionate enough by teaching and inspired by the joy of children learning something new from them.

Ansprechpartner*in und Entsendeorganisation

Missionsschwestern Hiltrup
Dario Hülsmann
Hohe Geest 73
48165 Münster - Hiltrup

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