
Erick Memorial foundation for education & Rehabilitation for disabled

Land: Tansania

Anprechpartner: Aristides

Adresse: 2016 Morogoro Region

Telefon (Ländervorwahl!):: +255653228820

Facebook-Seite:: emferd

Website:: www.emferd.org

weltwärts-Partnerorganisation(en) in Deutschland



Is a Registered non making profit organization established by the mother of late severe multiple disabled son named Erick, Being upset with condition of her son in early 1990 she managed to mobilize her fellow mothers of children with disabilities ,and there by launch the effective campaign for the rights of their children in Morogoro with aim of assuring the rights of disabled people from urban and rural areas are respected, in respect of her son who motivated her to spearhead the movement of advocating the rights of people with disabilities in Morogoro