
News Archive


| Organisations

With the situation surrounding the global spread of the coronavirus constantly becoming worse, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has decided, in consultation with the Federal Foreign Office, that all volunteers posted abroad must return to Germany.

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| Organisations

The next cross-organisation partner conferences will take place between October 2020 and March 2021, both in the Global South as well as in Germany.

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| Organisations

The Southern African weltwärts Network (SAwN) is having their Annual General Meeting from November 13th to 17th in Johannesburg.

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| Organisations

All weltwärts-partner organizations from Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Zambia, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi as well as the German organizations sending volunteers to these countries can participate in the conference.

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| Organisations

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the weltwärts development volunteer service, Engagement Global has published a brochure in which the various stakeholders on the programme relate their weltwärts experiences.

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| Organisations

Deutsch-Indische Zusammenarbeit e.V. is happy to invite to the 4th weltwärts Partner Conference in Nagpur / India for Asia from 19th to 22nd February 2019. Partner organisations from India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, East-Timor, Sri Lanka and Laos are invited.

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| Organisations

Since 2012, partner conferences have been held in the countries of the Global South as part of the weltwärts programme. These conferences give organisation partners an opportunity to discuss current developments at weltwärts, play an active role in designing the programme and to network with others.

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| Organisations

The fourth cross-organisation partner conference for the West Africa region will take place in Lomé, Togo, from 21 to 25 October 2018. Members of the partner organisations in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire will be invited to attend.

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| Organisations

Following the 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 surveys, the fifth survey looked at the weltwärts volunteers who returned from assignment in 2017.

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| Organisations

Following the 2013, 2014 and 2015 surveys, the fourth survey looked at the weltwärts volunteers who returned from assignment in 2016. The findings mostly corroborate the previous results, with 94% of volunteers again stating that they were satisfied with their time on the weltwärts programme.

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| Volunteers

The flyer provides advice for volunteers who have experienced sexualised violence. It contains information on how sexualised violence is defined, its impacts and consequences, medical care options and, most importantly, various organisations to which victims can turn for advice.

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| Exchanges

A structure divided into four tabs, project reports from organisations and a library containing all of the main documents – these are the components that form the new website for the “Extracurricular exchange projects in the context of Agenda 2030” funding line.

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| Exchanges

We are currently working with the Engagement Global CHAT der WELTEN programme to establish how to maximise the benefits of chats between partners collaborating on a weltwärts exchange project. The service could be used in a number of virtual cooperation project phases.

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| Organisations

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service and their Georgian partner organization CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network invite the weltwärts partner organizations to the partner conference in Georgia.

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| Organisations

The partner organisations in the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe are important actors of the weltwärts programme. Now, partner organisations have the opportunity to present themselves with their profile and contact information on the weltwärts website.

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| Volunteers

As of 2015, considerably more young people from emerging and developing countries can take part in a weltwärts placement in Germany. Engagement Global gGmbH now awards 250 places for these international volunteers.

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